mardi 21 février 2017

Laravel 5.4 and datatables server side

I am having a problem using datatables server side.

I have a route for the datatables of

            $pdomodel = new PDOModel();
            $pdomodel->connect("localhost", "root", "*password*", "DBName");
            $pdomodel->limit = "0,200";
            $db_parts = $pdomodel->select('v_masterpartslist');
            $dbparts = collection($db_parts);           
            return Datables::of($dbparts)->make();

The pdomodel returns a 2D array quite correctly and in my view I have (I have tried using this without collection):


<table id="thetable" class="table table-striped table-bordered" width="90%" align="center" cellspacing="5px" cellpadding="10px" >

                dom: 'lBfrtip',
                "iDisplayLength": 30,
                "lengthMenu": [ 10, 25,30, 50, 75, 100,200 ],
                buttons: [
                    'copy',  'print','colvis',
                    { extend: 'excel',filename: 'stock', footer:true},
                    { extend: 'pdf',filename:  'stock'},
                    { extend:'csvHtml5',filename: 'stock'}

                   // { extend: 'create', editor: editor },
                   // { extend: 'edit',   editor: editor },
                  //  { extend: 'remove', editor: editor } 
                processing: true,
                serverSide: true,
                    {url: ' ',
                    type: 'GET' },
                columnDefs: [
                    {'orderable':false, "targets": [5]  },
                    {'orderable':false, "targets": [6]  },
                        "targets": 5, 
                        "render": function ( data, type, full, meta ) {
                                {return '<div align="center"><a href="#"><img src="" id="trigger" onclick="ShowSlider(' + full[0] + ')"></a></div>';} 
                        "targets": [6], 
                        "render": function ( data, type, full, meta ) {
                                {return '<div align="center"><a href="#"><img src=""></a></div>';} 
                        "targets": [7], 
                        "render": function ( data, type, full, meta ) {
                                {return '<div align="center"><a href="#"><img src=""></a></div>';} 
                }) ;

When I try this I am getting an ajax error 404. The route exists and works fine but it cannot render.

I really need help here!

from Newest questions tagged laravel-5 - Stack Overflow

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