jeudi 17 août 2017

how do i pass variable to session in Laravel construct

I am trying to have available across the system a parameter i bring from another integrated system, inside my dashboard controller i get that parameter , so i can print the parameter before entering middleware. inside middleware I get error " undefined variable body "

use GuzzleHttp\Client;
use Session;

class dashboardController extends Controller
  protected $body;
  protected $valor;

 public function __construct(){

    $url = ''; 

   $client = new Client(); //GuzzleHttp\Client
   $result = $client->get($url);
   $body = $result->getBody(); 
   echo $body;  <--- when i print $body here I can see the value.

  $this->middleware(function($request, $next) {
      $this->valor = $request->session()->put('responsable', $body);  <-- null here
   return $next($request);


Then I want this session parameter available for my other constructs, how can i do this, i'm not using laravel auth. i log in using an integrated system and pass the username. that's what im checking against.

Thanks in advance!

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