mercredi 21 mars 2018

Sorting table column with jQuery datables in Laravel

I have a column that I need to sort by 2 parameters when I click on header of this column.

Here what I have now:

 $('#states_table').on('processing.dt', function (e, settings, processing) {
        if (processing) {
        } else {

            $(document).on('click', '.paginate_button', function() {
        serverSide: false,
        info: false,
        pagingType: 'simple_numbers',
        bLengthChange: false,
        pageLength: 100,
        responsive: true,
        bFilter: false,
        destroy: true,
        aaSorting: [[14,'desc'], [15, 'asc']],
        ColumnDefs: [
                aDataSort: [15, 14],
                aTargts: [4],
        //aDataSort: [15, 14],
        ajax: {  
            url: '/states/filter',
            type: 'GET',
            data: (data) => { },
            columns: [ ...
                  //this is fourth column that I targeted in ColumnsDef

        data: (data) => {
        if (data.latest_report === null) {
            return _const.ICON_DASH;
            return helpers.createTrendIcon(data.latest_report.general_status_indicator, data.latest_report.general_status_trend);
        }, name: 'State', class: 'state-state text-center v-a-t dashboard-icon-padding'
   // 14 and 15 columns
        data: 'latest_report.general_status_indicator',
        sDefaultContent: '',
        visible: false,
        data: 'latest_report.general_status_trend',
        sDefaultContent: '',
        visible: false,

Now when I load the page it sorted my table by 4 column in ascending order (or desc, I'm not sure, but it's unimportant now).

But I want to sort the table by click on header of the column (not when I load the table). One more time: I want to load the page and when I click the header of the column the table must be sorted like that:

`aaSorting: [[14,'desc'], [15, 'asc']],
 ColumnDefs: [{
                aDataSort: [15, 14],
                aTargts: [4],

And when I click this column one more time - the table must be sorted like that:

`aaSorting: [[14,'asc'], [15, 'asc']],
 ColumnDefs: [{
                aDataSort: [15, 14],
                aTargts: [4],

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