vendredi 20 avril 2018

Create record with id

I need to import the data from a different database and transfer it to the new database. but the ID information of the members is required for the relationship. I have to carry them too. Therefore, I have to fill in the ID column which is increased as AUTOINCREMENT.

My Migrate Controller

 public function migrate(BackupUser $buser, User $user)
                $backup_user = $buser->get();

                foreach ($backup_user as $bulk) {
                        'id'         => $bulk->uye_id,
                        'name'       => $bulk->uye_nick,
                        'email'      => $bulk->uye_mail,
                        'password'   => $bulk->uye_sifre,
                        'created_at' => $bulk->uye_tarih

when I do this, the AUTOINCREMENT increases normally and I can not get the ID information of the previous members.

What is the best way to do this?

from Newest questions tagged laravel-5 - Stack Overflow

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