jeudi 19 avril 2018

eloquent one-To-Many-To-Many

Hi everyone I start with laravel and eloquent and already I have a problem Here is my problem

I have users, each user can have multiple vehicles and a vehicle can have multiple rental.

I want to list all rentals of each vehicle belonging to the current user

user model

class User extends Authenticatable { use Notifiable;

 * The attributes that are mass assignable.
 * @var array
protected $fillable = [
    'name', 'email', 'password',

 * The attributes that should be hidden for arrays.
 * @var array
protected $hidden = [
    'password', 'remember_token',

public function vehicule()
    return $this->hasMany('App\Models\Vehicule');
vehicule model :

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class Vehicule extends Model { protected $fillable = [



public function user()
    return $this->belongsTo('App\User');

public function rental()
    return $this->hasMany('App\Models\Rental');


Rental model :

namespace App\Models;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class Rental extends Model {

protected $fillable = [

public function vehicule()
    return $this->belongsTo('App\Models\Vehicule');


Dear expert i need your help

from Newest questions tagged laravel-5 - Stack Overflow

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