jeudi 27 octobre 2016

Where does Laravel 5.3 keep the Auth data?

Ok, I have some custom Auth happening in my app. And we've got a working register controller, however calling the Auth::facade at the moment is calling the wrong table. Since I have two authentication tables, not just the default users table, how do I register a separate Auth facade to call the new Auth table.

The documentation doesn't seem to cover Multi-Auth scenarios clearly.

I'd like to be able to call something like this:

 if (Auth::attempt(['Username' => $request['Username'], 'Password' => $request['Password']])) {
            return redirect()->route('agencydash');
        return redirect()->back();

And instead of checking the users table (which it currently does), I'd like to check a table for companies.

from Newest questions tagged laravel-5 - Stack Overflow

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