mardi 1 septembre 2015

Laravel where model query

According to the documentaion[] all and get methods retrieve results as an instance of Collection, which can be iterate through like

foreach ($flights as $flight) {
   echo $flight->name;

In my case only all method is returning instance of collection,not the get method because I can't iterate through result as above way and throws error: Undefined property: Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection::$name . If I only echo $flight then it prints [{"id":3,"name":"KingFisher","created_at":"2015-09-01 16:09:09","updated_at":"2015-09-01 16:09:09"}], which is a json format.From this[] page I tried json_decode($flights, true);and new \Illuminate\Support\Collection(json_decode($flights, true)) but both returning same json format and I can't iterate throught them as collection. Any idea?

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