mardi 24 novembre 2015

Mysql Collect data with where In condition.

I am developing job portal web application..

Employees are registering with their qualifications.

After employees are registered successfully,

job adding with qualification on two conditions.

ie, AND , OR case.

Suppose a job having qualification with two AND Conditions like.

Engineering | Btech | Mechanical Engineering | regular | 80 % 
Diploma | CAD | Computer Applications | Distance | 70%

Engineering | Btech | Mechanical Engineering | regular | 80 % 
Diploma |  |   |  | 70%

After entering job qualifications I am collecting that as an array like.

   $a = ["27","26"]; // dummy data
   $b = ["62"]; // dummy data
   $c = ["59"]; // dummy data

I want to collect EMPLOYEE ID data from my employee qualifications table that matching the above condition.

enter image description here

I tried the Where In query like below.

SELECT * FROM `otc_employee_qualifications` 
WHERE `emp_qualifctn_type` IN ('26','27')
WHERE `qualification_value` IN ('59','32')
WHERE `emp_qualifctn_branch` IN ('156')
WHERE `emp_qualifctn_stream` IN ('2')
WHERE `qualification_mark` >= 27
GROUP BY `employee_id` 

from Newest questions tagged laravel-5 - Stack Overflow

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