vendredi 1 juillet 2016

Laravel 5 Implicit Controllers. Controller Method Not Found Errors

I am using Laravel with an implicit controller


Route::controller('', 'PagesController');
Route::controller('users', 'UsersController');


class PagesController extends BaseController
    protected $layout = 'layouts.publiclayout';

    public function getIndex()
        //come code here Called from localhost/project/
    public function getAboutus()
        //some code here. Called from localhost/project/aboutus


class UsersController extends BaseController
    protected $layout = 'layouts.publiclayout';

    public function getIndex()
        //should be called from localhost/project/users/

    public function getRegister()
        //should be called from localhost/project/users/register

Whenever I browse to "localhost/project/" or "localhost/project/aboutus" it works well calling the right controllers and methods. But whenever I browse to "localhost/project/users" or "localhost/project/users/register", "Controller method not found" error is displayed, even though I implicity specify that all "Users" route should be directed to "UsersControllers"

Please help!!!

from Newest questions tagged laravel-5 - Stack Overflow

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