samedi 27 janvier 2018

morphtoMany not using specified morph key

So, I have an events table, where users can 'go' or be 'interested', and many users can go. (For this example, we'll just use it on the Events class.

So, I am specifying the morph like so:

 * Get the user's events they're interested in
 * @return builder
public function interested($class = __CLASS__)
    return $this->morphToMany($class, 'owner', EventParticipants::table)
        ->wherePivot('status', '=', EventParticipants::INTERESTED)
        ->withPivot('owner_type', 'status', 'created_at');

Which is a trait inside my users model. I can have multiple statuses (going, interested..)

Now, my database structure is like so:

 * Run the migrations.
 * @return void
public function up()
    Schema::create('event_participants', function (Blueprint $table) {

And my example data:

INSERT INTO `social`.`event_participants` 
    '2018-01-27 14:19:03', 
    '2018-01-27 14:19:03'); 

But the morph trait, is not using my specified owner key, from the documentation is specifies the class to morph, the key, and the table (optional)


how come my code isn't abiding by he rules? How can I fix this?

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