So I have categories and channels table with a following relationship. A category hasMany channels. What I'm trying to do is get all channels that belong to a parents sub categories.
Channel Categories
Get All Channels By Category Slug Route
Route::get('/{channelCategory}', 'ChannelController@index');
public function index($channelCategory)
//Attempt 1. Doesn't get all channels under all child categories.
//$channels = ChannelCategory::where('slug', $channelCategory)->first()->channels;
Attempt 2. This works perfectly fine, but would like it to be in one query if possible
/*if($channelCategory->id === null){
$channels = Channel::all();
} elseif ($channelCategory->parent_id === 0) {
$categories = ChannelCategory::where(['parent_id' => $channelCategory->id])->pluck('id');
$channels = Channel::whereIn('category_id', $categories)->get();
else {
$channels = $channelCategory->channels()->get();
//Attempt 3 whereHas Query.
//The problem is that it gets all posts from all parent categories instead of just one.
/*$channels = Channel::whereHas('category', function ($query) use ($channelCategory) {
$query->where('parent_id', $channelCategory->parent_id);
$query->orWhere('parent_id', null);
})->get(); */
return view('channels.home', compact('channels'));
Maybe what I am trying to do isn't possible with a whereHas. Is it possible to do the second attempt in one query and if so how?
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