mardi 25 septembre 2018

Dynamic route url change is not reflecting in laravel package

I am creating a package which gives a config file to customize the route url which it will add, I can see config file values in the controller, but same config('app_settings.url') is coming as null in pakacge/src/routes/web.php

Route::get(config('app_settings.url'), 'SomeController')

my tests are also giving 404 and app_settings config change is not getting picked by route.

function it_can_change_route_url_by_config() {
  // this should be default url

  // change the route url
  config()->set('app_settings.url', '/app_settings');




return [
    'url' => 'settings',
    'middleware' => []

Please help How I can give the option to change the route url from config.

from Newest questions tagged laravel-5 - Stack Overflow

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