dimanche 23 décembre 2018

Dingo API appends '%' character in the JSON response

im getting this weird result whenever im calling my REST API built in Dingo and Laravel 5.7

curl -X POST 'localhost/api/authenticate' -d "email=admin@example.com&password=secret"

everytime i call this code, it appends a "%" character on the end of JSON response, like


causing the JSON object to be invalid. All it does is simply call response->json method

 *  API Login, on success return JWT Auth token
 * @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request
 * @return \Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse
public function authenticate(Request $request)
    // grab credentials from the request
    $credentials = $request->only('email', 'password');
    try {
        // attempt to verify the credentials and create a token for the user
        if (!$token = JWTAuth::attempt($credentials)) {
            return response()->json(['error' => 'invalid_credentials'], 401);
    } catch (JWTException $e) {
        // something went wrong whilst attempting to encode the token
        return response()->json(['error' => 'could_not_create_token'], 500);
    // all good so return the token
    return response()->json(compact('token'));

am I missing something here?

ps. here is the link to the github repo:https://github.com/openadult/tgp/blob/df7d6819697801145e4537db8ce8ceec0fe9de9c/app/Http/Controllers/Api/AuthenticateController.php#L18-L32


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