mardi 20 août 2019

How to store data using mass assignment and costume primary key

hello earth creatures ..

here I am trying to save form data using my mass assignment and primary key for costumes such as "cst-01, cst-02, ..., cst-N" can I save both of these together?

this my model

class pelanggan extends Model {
    protected $table = 'tb_pelanggan';
    protected $primaryKey = 'id';
    public $incrementing = false; 
    protected $fillable = [ 
      'id', // the id type string 255

this my controller, i make costum id here

public function storeCostumer(Request $req) {

    $lastId = pelanggan::select('id')->where('id', 'like', 'cst-0%')->orderBy('id','desc')->first();
    $lastId =(int)substr($lastId , -3)+1;
    $newID = "cst-0".$lastId; //costume ID

    pelanggan::create($req->all());// all() only save data form. how i can save the id?
    return redirect('newCostumer');

sorry for my bad english and thanks for your times

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