lundi 19 août 2019

Laravel Custom Relation

I have 3 models Company, Plan, and Service. What i'm trying to make is that each company should have plans 3-4 and each plan have it's own services that they provide.

Every company may have different plans and for those plans they may have different services.

I create a Many to Many Polymorphic relation for Plans called Planable, and this table will have companies's plans and services for these plans. But i was not able to retrieve the services for a specific company plans.

$company = Company::findOrFail($id);

foreach ($company->plans as $plan){
   return $plan->services;

This is not working and it's only showing one service and it's separating each company with it's plans and services.

I would like to have make it like this $company->plans->services

from Newest questions tagged laravel-5 - Stack Overflow

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