mercredi 2 octobre 2019

Checking payment

For each payment, the student can follow a training.

For example, I encode a payment for the student Menier.

enter image description here

Then, I encode a training for the student Menier.

enter image description here

It's correct !

Now, when I encode another payment for the same student Menier

enter image description here

I can't add a training, it's blocking ???

enter image description here

How to put to zero the checking, after each payment of the student?

$conflitpayment = Payment::where('fk_student', $request->get('fk_student'))
        ->whereDate('date_payment', ">" , $date_seance)

            return redirect()->route('trainings.index')
                ->with('error', 'Payment! ');

        $thisStudentsTrainings = Training::with(['payments' => function($query) use($fk_student){
        $query->where('fk_student', $fk_student);

        $hasPaidForThisTraining = $thisStudentsTrainings ->contains('id', $request->get('fk_training'));

        if( count($thisStudentsTrainings) >= 1) { 
            return redirect()->route('trainings.index')
            ->with('error', 'No payment ! ');

                return redirect()->route('trainings.index')
                    ->with('success', 'Add');

Thank you for your help.

from Newest questions tagged laravel-5 - Stack Overflow

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