mercredi 2 octobre 2019

I want that "whenever i click on Pie Chart Slice, it should go to another page". How can i achieve this using Lavacharts in laravel 5.5?

I have tried to implement this but didn't found success. Please help me in implementation of this. Thanks in advance

1. This is my Controller code.

 public function dashboard()
    $project2 = DB::select("SELECT sector, COUNT(id) AS T_PROJ`enter code here`
                            FROM project_tbl
                            GROUP BY sector
                            ORDER BY sector");

    $Users = Lava::DataTable();

    $Users->addNumberColumn('Total Projects');

    foreach($project2 as $ROW_PIE)

    Lava::PieChart('sector_wise', $Users, [
        'title'  => 'Sector Wise Projects',
        'is3D'   => true,
        'width' => 450,
        'height' => 290,
        'pieSliceText' => 'value',
        'slices' => [
            ['offset' => 0.2],
            ['offset' => 0.3]

2. This is my View's code

  <div id="sector_wise"></div>
  <?= Lava::render('PieChart', 'sector_wise', 'sector_wise') ?>

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