samedi 12 octobre 2019

Laravel 5.0 Helper Class Setup

I have tried just about every set of instructions I can find on setting up a Helper class in Laravel 5.0; but something is still wrong because neither the autoload route or the namespace route are working. I only get a message such as "Class 'KidFit\Helpers\Helper.php not found'

What I also don't understand, is that when I include "$helper = new Helper();" statement into my UserController.php class -- that causes the php code of Helper.php to just get dumped to the screen. I have included an example of that in the screen output below. I don't have 10 rep points, so it appears to just be a link.

Here is what I get: Wonky Screen Output

I have nothing setup inside of config/app.php or composer.json. However, these are the contents of Helpers/Helper.php:

namespace KidFit\Helpers;

class Helper

        public function __construct()


        public function dominic()
                \Log::info("dominic was here");

and this is the code I have at the top of UserController.php, where I am using the Helper Class:

<?php namespace KidFit\Http\Controllers;

use KidFit\Http\Requests;
use KidFit\Http\Controllers\Controller;
use KidFit\User;
use KidFit\Games;
use KidFit\Helpers\Helper;

use Illuminate\Http\Request;

class UserController extends Controller {

         * Display the specified resource.
         * @param  int  $id
         * @return Response
        public function getShow($userID)
                $helper = new Helper();
                \Log::info("Attempting to log data, DWayda");
                $Group = new Games;
                $Group->gameID = 4;
                //$Group->gameName = stripXSS("DROP TABLE user from KidFit_Secure;");
                $todaysDate = date_create('now');
                $todaysDate = date_format($todaysDate, 'Y-m-d');
                $Group->createDate = $todaysDate;
                $Group->metric = "SELECT * FROM users";
                $Group->status = "hacked";

                return User::find($userID);


May I ask if I anyone can see what I am doing wrong? After my changes, I usually execute:

sudo composer dump-autoload
sudo composer install --no-dev --no-scripts
sudo composer install --no-dev -o

I've been stuck on this for 2 weeks now (working off & on...) Any help would e much appreciated!! =D

from Newest questions tagged laravel-5 - Stack Overflow

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