mercredi 19 février 2020

Get data from multiple table in Laravel 5.7 (Eloquent)

I am using Laravel 5.7. I have three MySQL table, named : movies, directors, actors. I am having issues with retrieving data from these tables. Look at my table structure:

|   id  |   title       |   release |  img_url        |
|  1    |  Avengers     |    2019   |    #            |
|  2    |  Avatar       |    2009   |    #            |
|  3    |  Titanic      |    1997   |    #            |

|   id  |   movie_id  |   dir_name      |  add_date   |
|  1    |    1        |  Anthony Russo  |  2019/02/18 |
|  2    |    1        |    Joe Russo    |  2019/02/18 |
|  3    |    2        |    Cameron      |  2019/02/18 |

|   id  |   movie_id  |   act_name      |  add_date   |
|  1    |    1        |  Robert Downey  |  2019/02/18 |
|  2    |    1        |   Chris Evans   |  2019/02/18 |
|  3    |    1        |  Mark Ruffalo   |  2019/02/18 |
|  4    |    1        |   Chris Pratt   |  2019/02/18 |
|  5    |    2        |   Worthington   |  2019/02/18 |
|  6    |    2        |    Weaver       |  2019/02/18 |
|  7    |    2        |    Saldana      |  2019/02/18 |

I Want
|   id  |   title       |   release |  img_url    |        directors           |                        actors                              |
|  1    |  Avengers     |    2019   |    #        | Anthony Russo, Joe Russo   |  Robert Downey, Chris Evans, Mark Ruffalo, Chris Pratt     | 
|  2    |  Avatar       |    2009   |    #        |     Cameron                |  Worthington, Weaver, Saldana                              |
|  3    |  Titanic      |    1997   |    #        |                            |                                

Look at the table 'I want' at the bottom of the code. This is what is want. Please don't attach the link below as proof of already answered. It doesn't match with my requirement
how to retrive data from multiple table in laravel eloquent

from Newest questions tagged laravel-5 - Stack Overflow

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