vendredi 12 juin 2020

Laravel validation custom messages not showing

i am trying to validate my startdate and end date

start date works perfectly and enddate works

but the error message doesn't show

if i put the enddate before the second date the validtor works but the error message doesn't show

my validator in the controller

'start_date' => [ Rule::unique('reservations')->where(function($query) use ($request) {
    $query->where('pitch_id', 'LIKE','%'.$request->pitch_id.'%');
  'end_date'=> ['required','date','after:start_date'],


my view

<div class="col-md-5">
              <input type="datetime-local" class="form-control " name="end_date"  id="end_date" required>
              <span class="invalid-feedback " role="alert">


my custom messages

'custom' => [
        'start_date' => [
            'unique' => 'date deja reservé changer du date ou changer le terrain',
        'end_date' => [
            'after' => 'la date de fin doit etre apres la date du debut',

the messages of the start_date works but the end_date doesn't

from Newest questions tagged laravel-5 - Stack Overflow

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