I have table structure below. I am trying to fetch data of Gurdian_name. Some column are NULL, they should be not anyway. It's on production environment. It's impossible to fix the manually. I want to fetch all the data without duplication or missing.
Note: NULL's real value on braces.
Student table
id | name
1 Jack
2 John
Student Program table
id | Program_Name | s.id
1 CS 1
2 EEE 1
Relationship table
id | relationship_name
1 father
2 mother
Relationship_Contact table
id | rel_id | phone | student_id | Gurdian_name
1 NULL(1) 012345 1 Alison
2 2 543210 1 Alisa
Student_Relationship table
id | rel_id | student_id
1 1 1
2 NULL(2) 1
So far I write this query below:
$query = DB::table('students AS s')
->leftJoin('student_programs AS sp', function ($join) {
$join->on('sp.student_id', '=', 's.id')
->leftJoin('student_relationships AS stucontrel', 'sturel.student_id', '=', 's.id')
->leftJoin('student_contacts AS stucont', 's.id', '=', 'stucont.student_id')
->leftJoin('relationships AS rel', 'rel.id', '=', 'stucont.relationship_id')
Is there anyway I can add student_relationships
with relationships
on query so no data go miss?
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