jeudi 31 mars 2022

upload file with laravel

I´m trying upload one file to storage/app with laravel for this, i´m checking that my folder exist:

            $pathFolder = storage_path('app/contratos/'.$tarea->contratoTrey->serie->SERIE.'-'.$tarea->contratoTrey->N_CONTRATO.'/tareas/T-'.$tarea->ntarea);
            if(!\File::exists($pathFolder)) {
                \File::makeDirectory($pathFolder, 0755, true, true);

            $filePath = 'app/contratos/'.$tarea->contratoTrey->serie->SERIE.'-'.$tarea->contratoTrey->N_CONTRATO.'/tareas/T-'.$tarea->ntarea;
            \Storage::disk('local')->put($filePath, $request->file_job);

if not exist i´m building my structure folder and put my file in this folder.

My problem it´s in my DB i´m insert my file name with getClientOriginalName() but in this route


my app was builded a file, not directory and in this directory my file with his original name...

i don´t know that i´m doing wrong.. i trayed creating a new variable with this name and save... same error or problem...

Thanks for readme and help me. Sorry for my bad english

from Newest questions tagged laravel-5 - Stack Overflow

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