mardi 24 mai 2022

Compare payments.student_id and enroll.student_id if not the payment button should display in laravel

process: from the student registration (enroll) page (figure 3) should be able to check whether student paid or not, if not paid Pay button should be visible. else display PAID message.

to do the above process I should check the enroll table (figure 1) student id with payment table (figure 2) student id ,

index controller code:

  public function index()
 $enrolls = Enroll::where('is_paid_admission',1)->orderBy('id','DESC')->get();

  $payments = DB::table('payments')
                ->join('enrolls','payments.enroll_id','=', '')
         return view('enroll.index',compact('enrolls','payments'));

ERROR Message shows :

 ErrorException (E_ERROR)
Property [student_id] does not exist on this collection instance. (View: C:\wamp64\www\SRVSYS2021\resources\views\enroll\index.blade.php)
Previous exceptions

    Property [student_id] does not exist on this collection instance. (0)

error message

INDEX Page Code if condition:

 @if ( $enroll->student_id == $payments->student_id )
          <td>  </td>
          <td><a href="" class="btn btn-info btn-xs" role="button">  <i class="fa fa-money"> PAY </i></a></td>

(All the details have been attached below)

figure 1: Enroll table figure 1: enroll table

figure 2: payments table

figure 2: payments table

figure 3: page view of enroll table

enrollment page view

I hope you can understand my question. please give me your valuble ideas to solve this problem

QUESTION: I want to compare the student_id on ENROLL_TABLE & PAYMENT_TABLE, and show the payment button if not paid. (payment table only store if the student paid only) whatever the possible answer appreciate

from Newest questions tagged laravel-5 - Stack Overflow

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