mardi 12 juin 2018

Laravel 5 and JQuery load() (Internal error 500)

I am new to laravel and i am trying to refresh a div in my page using JQuerys .load() function however, Every-time i get an internal error 500 i have been playing and messing around for an hour now and can't find a solution to my problem, Even though it is a get request i still have my CSRF token in the meta tag on the layout i am extending. I am just using

php artisan not xampp for the server and i am on a mac, My current path is open to 777 , so i can't see this being a file permissions error

My route for the .load() request

Route::get('/employee/applied/{id}', 'EmployeesController@load')->middleware('auth');

My Controller to handle the .load() url

public function load($id) {

        $applicants = array();

        $applied = Applied::where(['job_id' => $id])->get();
        foreach($applied as $employee) {
            $employee_object = Employee::where(['employee_id' => (string)$employee->employee_id])->get();
            foreach($employee_object as $information) {
                $applicants[] = $information;
        return view('employer.appliedEmployee')->with('applied', $applicants);

The view the .load() is loading

    <div class="w3-container w3-padding-16">
        <?php $col = 1; ?>
        @foreach($applied as $applied)
        <?php if($col == 5) {$col = 1; echo '<div class="w3-row">'; } ?><!-- Start -->
        <div class="w3-col m3 s12 w3-container w3-padding-16">

                    <div class="w3-card-4 test" style="width:92%;max-width:300px;">
                        <img src="" alt="Avatar" style="width:100%; height: 250px; opacity:0.85">
                        <div class="w3-container">
                            <p><small><b>Location:</b> </small></p>
                            <div class="">
                                <p><a class="w3-button w3-green w3-hover w3-half" href="/employee/show/">Resume</a></p>    
                                <p><button class="w3-button w3-yellow w3-hover w3-half" href="/employee/view/">hire</button></p>
                            <div class="w3-padding-16"><hr></div>    

                <?php $col += 1; if($col == 5) { echo '</div>'; } ?><!-- Finish -->

The page that is loading everything


    <div class="w3-container">
        <b><a href="">Back</a></b>
        <div id="applied">

    <script src=""></script>
            headers: {
                'X-CSRF-TOKEN': $('meta[name="csrf-token"]').attr('content')

        var refresh = setInterval(
                $('#applied').load('<?php echo url('/employee/applied/'.$getID.'');?>');

        window.onload = refresh;


and finally the controller that is loading that page

public function show($id)

        $employerId = Auth::id();
        $currentJobs = jobs::where(['employer_id' => (string)$employerId, 'closed' => 0, 'id' => $id ])->get();

        if($currentJobs->isEmpty()) {
            return redirect('/Jobs//');
        } else {

            $getID = $id;
            return view('employer.appliedEmployee')->with('getID', $getID);

I am very stuck and i am not expecting a spoon feed answer just some guidance because i can not find the solution to this at the moment on the internet any feedback would be great thank you.

from Newest questions tagged laravel-5 - Stack Overflow

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