mercredi 13 juin 2018

Using Distinct and group by laravel Mysql

I have table requests with fields

`id` `user_id` `status` `url` `price` `date`

and table peoplewith fields

`id` `name` `number` `password` `nickname`

I am trying to group all requests by each date and count how many request is in each day with this query:

$data['dates'] = RequestModel::orderBy('date', 'desc')
        ->groupBy(DB::raw("DATE_FORMAT(date, '%Y-%m-%d')"))
            DB::raw('Date(date) as date'),
            DB::raw('COUNT(*) as requests'),

this gives data like this:

"dates": [
    "date": "2018-06-13",
    "requests": 230
    "date": "2018-06-12",
    "requests": 399

The problem is that when user creates new request in people table is creating new user with same number and distinct nickname. like this:

`id` `name` `number` `password` `nickname`
 1   jack    555845   pass       555845-1
 1   jack    555845   pass       555845-2

I want to count requests with distinct user numbers and don't know how to do it. help me if you can

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