mercredi 26 août 2015

How can I use Cache during application bootstrapping?

I am migrating a Laravel 4.2 application to Laravel 5.1.

During bootstrap, when loading the mail configuration file (config/mail.php), I want to read my SMTP configuration from DB and cache it. In order to do that I use an Eloquent model class, in which I use the Cache facade's remember() function to get the data I need.

It used to work in 4.2, but after switching to 5.1, I get the following error message:

Call to a member function remember() on a non-object

This happens after I put the following line at the top of the class:

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Cache;

Without that line I got a Class 'Cache' not found error message.

Any idea what am I missing? Is this even possible in 5.1?

Thanks a lot!

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