mardi 29 décembre 2015

multiple file upload laravel 5 and move to folder

I'm trying to upload multiple files and store the name in the database, and the file in the storage/thumbnail folder. The problem is that the move function is not working because the file that has to be moved is empty. However when I DD my results, all images show up.

here's my code:

$files = Input::file('images'); //The array with images

The loop to put all images to the storage folder:

foreach ($files as $file) {

When i dd($file) inside the loop it shows the image object like this:

UploadedFile {#30 ▼
   -test: false
   -originalName: "IMG_0180.JPG"
   -mimeType: "image/jpeg"
   -size: 1331799
   -error: 0

Any suggestions?

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