I have two queries running in my controller. I need a value from the first query to be passed into the second. I want the result of both these queries sent to my view.
public function jobs()
$query = DB::table("dbQuotes")
->leftJoin("dbACT", "dbQuotes.act_id", "=", "dbACT.ID")
->leftJoin("dbOpps", "dbQuotes.act_id", "=", "dbOpps.contactID")
->leftjoin('dbBids', 'dbQuotes.act_id','=',
DB::raw('dbBids.quote_id AND dbBids.user_id = '. Auth::user()->id))
->where("dbQuotes.active", "=", "1")
->select("dbQuotes.*", "dbACT.*", "dbBids.*",
(DB::raw('date_format(dbQuotes.posted_date, "%d/%m/%Y %H:%i") as posted_date')),
(DB::raw('date_format(dbOpps.expected_date, "%d/%m/%Y") as expected_date')))
->orderBy("posted_date", "desc")
$passinvaluehere = $query->dbQuotes.act_id
$bids = DB::table("dbBids")
->where("quote_id", "=", $passinvaluehere)
return view('jobs', ['query' => $query,'bids' => $bids]);
My query works and the view is established in the correct way if I replace the passed value with a number, i.e "8763". My question is how, within this function, can I pass the value/s of dbQuotes.act_id into this second query?
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