I want when user signup it follows a specific user automatically. How can i do this in laravel. Here is my code. Please help thanks in advance
public function signUp(RegisterUser $request)
if($profile_picture = $request->hasFile('profile_picture')) {
$profile_picture = time().'.'.$request->profile_picture->getClientOriginalExtension();
$request->profile_picture->move(public_path('ProfileImages'), $profile_picture);
$profile_picture = 'ProfileImages/'.$profile_picture;
} else {
$profile_picture = NULL;
$user = User::create([
'firstname' => $request->input('firstname'),
'lastname' => $request->input('lastname'),
'email' => $request->input('email'),
'password' => bcrypt($request->input('password')),
'password_changed_at' => Carbon::now()->toDateTimeString(),
'username' => $request->input('username'),
'profile_picture' => $profile_picture,
'email_verification_token' => str_random(50),
if (!$user) {
return response()->json(['failed to create new user'], 500);
$token = JWTAuth::fromUser($user);
$userDetail = $user->where('id', $user->id)->with(['posts', 'buckets','likes', 'followers', 'following'])->withCount('posts', 'buckets','likes', 'followers', 'following')->first();
$id = 9;
$userFollow = User::find($id);
// return response()->json(['message' => 'Please Check your email to verify your account Or Login to Kindmill']);
return response()->json(['token' => $token, 'user' => $userDetail], 200);
Here in this way i can do but cannot work. Please help
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