lundi 25 février 2019

Laravel - Trying to achieve preview option for an Excel file before submission, but it only works one specific way

I'm working with an Excel improtation function (Using maatwebsite/excel package) and I have that part covered, but I also need to have a function that'd allow apreview "sneak peek" before the file is uploaded.

I did manage to make it work (pic -, but it ONLY works a certain way - code:

public function MakeImportPreview(Request $request)
    $dataPreview = Excel::toCollection(new ClientsImport(), $request->file('file'));

    $randomDataPreviews = $dataPreview->get(0)
        ->reject(function($row) {
                || !isset($row['email'])
                || is_null($row['name'])
                || is_null($row['email'])
                || empty($row['name'])
                || empty($row['email']);

    return view('clients.preview', compact('randomDataPreviews'));

From the ClientsImportPreview class:

class ClientsImportPreview implements ToCollection, WithHeadingRow, WithLimit

public function collection(Collection $rows)
   return $rows->get(0)->reject(function($row) {
           || !isset($row['email'])
           || is_null($row['name'])
           || is_null($row['email'])
           || empty($row['name'])
           || empty($row['email']);

public function limit(): int
    return 20;


Basically, usage of reject and checking for emptiness/not being set was the only way I could make it work.

Is there a way to make this work by looking for the populated fields, as opposed to non-populated ones?

For example, if I try the following code instead:

public function MakeImportPreview(Request $request)
    $dataPreview = Excel::toCollection(new ClientsImport(), $request->file('file'));

    $randomDataPreviews = $dataPreview->get(0)
        ->map(function($row) {
                || isset($row['email'])
                || !is_null($row['name'])
                || !is_null($row['email'])
                || !empty($row['name'])
                || !empty($row['email']);

    return view('clients.preview', compact('randomDataPreviews'));

  class ClientsImportPreview implements ToCollection, WithHeadingRow, WithLimit

public function collection(Collection $rows)
   return $rows->get(0)->reject(function($row) {
           || !isset($row['email'])
           || is_null($row['name'])
           || is_null($row['email'])
           || empty($row['name'])
           || empty($row['email']);

I then get the following result -

Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!

from Newest questions tagged laravel-5 - Stack Overflow

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