Thank you very much for reading this, its quite long!
I run my function:
public function createSpreadSheet() { $client = $this->getClient(); $service = new \Google_Service_Sheets($client); // TODO: Assign values to desired properties of `requestBody`: $requestBody = new \Google_Service_Sheets_Spreadsheet(); $response = $service->spreadsheets->create($requestBody); echo '<pre>', var_export($response, true), '</pre>', "\n"; }
I got a result:
Google_Service_Sheets_Spreadsheet::__set_state(array( 'collection_key' => 'sheets', 'developerMetadataType' => 'Google_Service_Sheets_DeveloperMetadata', 'developerMetadataDataType' => 'array', 'namedRangesType' => 'Google_Service_Sheets_NamedRange', 'namedRangesDataType' => 'array', 'propertiesType' => 'Google_Service_Sheets_SpreadsheetProperties', 'propertiesDataType' => '', 'sheetsType' => 'Google_Service_Sheets_Sheet', 'sheetsDataType' => 'array', 'spreadsheetId' => '1QlBQo_YHQpiiMBWn6b6wSMVWkiFRx4grJhPParXUUSU', 'spreadsheetUrl' => '', 'internal_gapi_mappings' => array ( ), modelData' => array ( ), 'processed' => array ( ), 'properties' => Google_Service_Sheets_SpreadsheetProperties::__set_state(array( 'autoRecalc' => 'ON_CHANGE', 'defaultFormatType' => 'Google_Service_Sheets_CellFormat', 'defaultFormatDataType' => '', 'iterativeCalculationSettingsType' => 'Google_Service_Sheets_IterativeCalculationSettings', 'iterativeCalculationSettingsDataType' => '', 'locale' => 'en_US', 'timeZone' => 'Etc/GMT', 'title' => 'Untitled spreadsheet', 'internal_gapi_mappings' => array ( ), 'modelData' => array ( ), 'processed' => array ( ), 'defaultFormat' => Google_Service_Sheets_CellFormat::__set_state(array( 'backgroundColorType' => 'Google_Service_Sheets_Color', 'backgroundColorDataType' => '', 'bordersType' => 'Google_Service_Sheets_Borders', 'bordersDataType' => '', 'horizontalAlignment' => NULL, 'hyperlinkDisplayType' => NULL, 'numberFormatType' => 'Google_Service_Sheets_NumberFormat', 'numberFormatDataType' => '', ......... ......... ))
I access to the link it returned: ''
it gives me this 'request access' page, then I press the request access
I open my email and get this: Your message wasn't delivered to because the domain couldn't be found. Check for typos or unnecessary spaces and try again.
Is there something wrong and what should I do? I just want to open the file and check where it is.
Thank you very much!
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