Hello all I need to retrieve data from DB Week of the month and dates am able to get data from MYSQL Querry
SELECT cnt, `creationdate`, week, weekname,
DATE_ADD(firstOfMonth,INTERVAL (week-1) WEEK) as 'Week Start',
IF(DATE_ADD(firstOfMonth,INTERVAL ((week-1)*7+6) DAY) > eom,
eom, DATE_ADD(firstOfMonth,INTERVAL ((week-1)*7+6) DAY)) as 'Week End'
SELECT COUNT(`firstname`) AS 'cnt', `creationdate`,
FLOOR((DAYOFMONTH(`creationdate`) - 1) / 7 +1) AS week,
CONCAT('Week ',FLOOR((DAYOFMONTH(`creationdate`) - 1) / 7) +1) AS weekname, DATE_ADD(`creationdate`,interval -DAY(`creationdate`)+1 DAY) AS firstOfMonth,
LAST_DAY(`creationdate`) as 'eom'
FROM `UserDetails` WHERE DATE_FORMAT(`creationdate`,'%m/%Y')='06/2017' GROUP BY week ) a
Am converting to laravel Raw Query was
$monthOfWeaks = DB::table("UserDetails")
->select(DB::raw('cnt, creationdate, week, weekname,
DATE_ADD(firstOfMonth,INTERVAL (week-1) WEEK) as WeekStart,
DATE_ADD(firstOfMonth,INTERVAL ((week-1)*7+6) DAY) > eom, eom, DATE_ADD(firstOfMonth,INTERVAL ((week-1)*7+6) DAY)) as WeekEnd'))
->select(DB::raw('COUNT(`firstname`) as cnt, creationdate,
FLOOR((DAYOFMONTH(creationdate) - 1) / 7 +1) as week,
CONCAT(Week,FLOOR((DAYOFMONTH(creationdate) - 1) / 7) +1) as weekname,
DATE_ADD(creationdate,interval -DAY(creationdate)+1 DAY) as firstOfMonth,
LAST_DAY(creationdate) as eom'))
It seems like some error but I could not fix in laravel please give some input to get solve my issues? Thanks.
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