I have a form to store and update data including an image, however when I try to Store Or update Image with another Image that breaks my validation rule the validation works fine but if I try to re-update any record without including image I get the same validation message like if I'm updating with invalid image it doesn't work fine back till I store or update including upload a valid Image then every thing works fine in store or update even if updating without image. Note:The store and update work fine if all data are valid in the first time.
This is my form
<form class="border border-info rounded" style="padding: 0px 15px 15px 15px;">
<button @click="resetForm" type="button" data-toggle="tooltip" title="Reset Form" class="close" aria-label="Close">
<span aria-hidden="true">×</span>
<div style="width: 100%;">
<div style="float:left; width: 40%">
<div class="form-group" style="padding-top: 25px; margin-top: 20px; width: 343px;">
<input v-model="channel.name"
placeholder="Channel title"
required="required" />
<div class="form-group">
<div class="row" style="margin: 40px 0 35px 0">
<label style="padding-top: 5px">Base color</label>
<input v-model="channel.baseColor"
class="form-control color-picker"
style="margin-left: 229px;"
data-toggle="tooltip" title="Pick Color"/>
<div class="form-group">
<div class="row" style="margin: 40px 0 35px 0">
<label style="padding-top: 5px">Complementary color</label>
<input v-model="channel.complementaryColor"
class="form-control color-picker"
style="margin-left: 150px;"
data-toggle="tooltip" title="Pick Color"/>
<div class="form-group" style="float:right; width: 40%">
<image-upload :avatar="channel.avatarUrl"></image-upload>
@click.prevent="editing ? updateChannel() : addChannel()"
type="submit" class="btn btn-outline-primary btn-block"
v-text="editing ? 'Update Channel' : 'Add Channel'">
import ImageUpload from '../../ImageUpload';
class Channel {
this.name = channel.name || "";
this.avatarUrl = channel.avatar_path || "";
this.baseColor = channel.bg_base_color || "";
this.complementaryColor = channel.bg_complementary_color || "";
const data = new FormData();
export default {
name: "AddEditChannel",
components: {ImageUpload},
data() {
return {
channel: new Channel({}),
editing: false,
file: null
created() {
this.$parent.$on('edit_channel', ({channel}) => {
this.editing = true;
this.channelId = channel.id;
this.channel = new Channel(channel);
this.$on('avatar_loaded', (avatar) => {
this.channel.avatarUrl = avatar.src;
this.file = avatar.file;
methods: {
resetForm() {
this.channel = new Channel({});
this.channelId = '';
this.file = null;
this.editing = false;
addChannel() {
data.append('name', this.channel.name);
data.append('base_color', this.channel.baseColor);
data.append('complementary_color', this.channel.complementaryColor);
data.append('avatar', this.file);
data.append('_method', 'POST');
axios.post('/dashboard/channels', data).then(resp => {
this.$parent.$emit('channel_created', resp.data)
}).catch(error => {
flash(error.response.data, 'danger', 'backEndStyle');
updateChannel() {
data.append('id', this.channelId);
data.append('name', this.channel.name);
data.append('base_color', this.channel.baseColor);
data.append('complementary_color', this.channel.complementaryColor);
if (this.file){
data.append('avatar', this.file);
data.append('_method', 'PUT');
axios.post(`/dashboard/channels/${this.channelId}`, data).then(resp => {
this.$parent.$emit('channel_updated', resp.data);
}).catch(error => {
flash(error.response.data, 'danger', 'backEndStyle');
this is validation request for my image
public function rules()
$avatrAttr = 'required|image|mimes:jpg,jpeg,png|max:50|dimensions:max_width=600,max_height=600';
if($this->isMethod('POST')) {
return [
'avatar' => $avatrAttr,
} else {
if ($this->has('avatar') && $this->hasFile('avatar')){
return [
'avatar' => $avatrAttr,
this is a Trait to handle image upload
public function verifyAndStoreImage($request, $oldImg = null, $fieldname = 'avatar', $directory) {
if ($request->file($fieldname)->isValid()) {
if ($oldImg != null) {
return $request->file($fieldname)->store($directory, 'public');
return $oldImg;
the Controller for store and update
public function store(ChannelRequest $channelRequest, AvatarRequest $avatarRequest)
$channel = Channel::create([
'name' => $channelRequest->name,
'bg_base_color' => $channelRequest->base_color,
'bg_complementary_color' => $channelRequest->complementary_color,
'avatar_path' => $this->verifyAndStoreImage($avatarRequest, null, 'avatar', 'avatars/channels')
return response($channel, 200);
* Update the specified resource in storage.
* @param ChannelRequest $channelRequest
* @param Channel $channel
* @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
public function update(ChannelRequest $channelRequest, Channel $channel, AvatarRequest $avatarRequest)
'name' => $channelRequest->name,
'bg_base_color' => $channelRequest->base_color,
'bg_complementary_color' => $channelRequest->complementary_color,
'avatar_path' => $this->verifyAndStoreImage($avatarRequest, $channel->avatar_path, 'avatar', 'avatars/channels')
return response($channel->fresh(), 200);
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