In my web application I have added the cache method. But the problem is its not reading the specified $id which is passing in the function. So that its throwing error like :
ErrorException: Undefined variable: id
What to do if anyone suggest any answers will be helpful.
Here is the code ->
public function relatedstory($id)
$key = $id;
$cacheKey = $this->getCacheKey($key);
return cache()->remember($cacheKey, Carbon::now()->addDay(1), function ()
$story = $this->_story->findOrFail($id);
$tags = $story->tags->random(1)->pluck('tag_id');
$storyIds = StoryTagItem::whereTagId($tags)->get()->random(4)->pluck('story_tag_id');
$relatedStory = [];
foreach($storyIds as $storyId)
array_push($relatedStory, $this->_story->findOrFail($storyId));
return StoryListResource::collection($relatedStory);
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