i want to ask about error "Too few arguments to function Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model::setAttribute(), 1 passed "
this is my code :
class Dataanggota extends Model
protected $table;
protected $primaryKey = "";
protected $casts = ['cno' => 'string'];
protected $guarded = [ ];
public $incrementing = false;
public $timestamps = false;
public $rules = array();
public $nicename = array();
public function __construct(array $attributes = [])
$this->table = config("consyst.dataanggota.table");
$this->rules = array(
public function insertBank()
// dd($this->request->cno);
if ($this->request->ajax()) {
try {
$metas = new Hubbank;
$metas->cno = $this->request->cno;
$metas->no_urut = $this->request->no_urut;
$metas->kdcab = $this->request->kdcab;
$metas->nm_bank = $this->request->nm_bank;
$metas->alternate = $this->request->alternate;
$metas->dari_tahun = $this->request->dari_tahun;
$metas->jns_produk = $this->request->jns_produk;
return \Response::json(['status' => 99, 'msg' => 'Data has been Added']);
} catch (\Exeception $e) {
return \Response::json(['status' => 0, 'msg' => 'Error Accoured!']);
} else {
return \Response::view('errors.401');
This is error massage
FatalThrowableError in Model.php line 2870:
Type error: Too few arguments to function Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model::setAttribute(), 1 passed in
C:\xampp\htdocs\project\consyst\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model.php on line 2878 and exactly 2 expected
from Newest questions tagged laravel-5 - Stack Overflow https://ift.tt/2OsLJMp
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