does anyone know how to save generated pdf file and name it dynamicly using dompdf in laravel? i always encounter this error
failed to open stream: No such file or directory
while trying to generated pdf file and save it to project directory. here its my controller code
$bills = Tagihan::join('pesanan', 'tagihan.id_pesanan', 'pesanan.id_pesanan')
->join('kendaraan', 'pesanan.id_kendaraan', 'kendaraan.id_kendaraan')
->join('kategori_mobil', 'kendaraan.id_kategori_kendaraan', 'kategori_mobil.id_kategori')
->join('users', 'pesanan.id_pengguna', '')
->where('pesanan.id_pesanan', $save->id_pesanan)
->select('pesanan.*', 'users.*', 'tagihan.*', 'kendaraan.*', 'kategori_mobil.nama_kategori')
$today = Carbon::now('GMT+7')->toDateString();
$pdf = new PDF();
$pdf = PDF::loadView('admin.tagihan.pdf', compact('bills','today'));
file_put_contents('public/bills/'.$noOrder.'.pdf', $pdf->output() );
return redirect()->route('pesananIndex');
i want to save my pdf file with custom string with $noOrder.'pdf', but when i use static name like this
file_put_contents('public/bills/bubla.pdf', $pdf->output());
i had no error, any solution?
from Newest questions tagged laravel-5 - Stack Overflow
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