samedi 21 mars 2020

how to save dompdf file to storage and name the file dynamicly in laravel

does anyone know how to save generated pdf file and name it dynamicly using dompdf in laravel? i always encounter this error

failed to open stream: No such file or directory

while trying to generated pdf file and save it to project directory. here its my controller code

$bills = Tagihan::join('pesanan', 'tagihan.id_pesanan', 'pesanan.id_pesanan')
                    ->join('kendaraan', 'pesanan.id_kendaraan', 'kendaraan.id_kendaraan')
                    ->join('kategori_mobil', 'kendaraan.id_kategori_kendaraan', 'kategori_mobil.id_kategori')
                    ->join('users', 'pesanan.id_pengguna', '')
                    ->where('pesanan.id_pesanan', $save->id_pesanan)
                    ->select('pesanan.*', 'users.*', 'tagihan.*', 'kendaraan.*', 'kategori_mobil.nama_kategori')
    $today = Carbon::now('GMT+7')->toDateString();
      $pdf = new PDF();
      $pdf = PDF::loadView('admin.tagihan.pdf', compact('bills','today'));
      file_put_contents('public/bills/'.$noOrder.'.pdf', $pdf->output() );
    return redirect()->route('pesananIndex');

i want to save my pdf file with custom string with $noOrder.'pdf', but when i use static name like this

file_put_contents('public/bills/bubla.pdf', $pdf->output());

i had no error, any solution?

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