lundi 27 avril 2020

How do we Clear Controller And Model cache in Laravel

I have very simple application in Laravel 5.5.

My Route : Route::resource('books', 'BookController');
My Controller is app/http/Controllers/BookController.php
My Model is app/Book.php

I have similar other modules as well.


My Book controller changes are not being reflected in browser.

I thought of clearing the cache so cleared all caches.

1. Cleared Application Cache > php artisan cache:clear
2. Cleared Route Cache > php artisan route:clear
3. Cleared Configuration Cache > php artisan config:clear 
4. Cleared Compiled Views Cache > php artisan view:clear 

I was not sure which cache was causing the issue so I cleared all. Still my changes are not being reflected in the browser, but when I change the view files, the changes are being reflected.

Any Suggestion please?????

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