I want to return a array in my services relationship. In my output, I want something like:
services: {
true: {...},
false: {...},
The relationship it self is working. If I just
return $this->belongsToMany('App\Service', 'product_services', 'product_id', 'service_id')->wherePivot('includes_it', 1)
Then it works fine. But I want to go deeper. I want that the services method returns an array with a false, and a true key.
Like here:
public function services()
return [
"true" => $this->belongsToMany('App\Service', 'product_services', 'product_id', 'service_id')->wherePivot('includes_it', 1),
"false" => $this->belongsToMany('App\Service', 'product_services', 'product_id', 'service_id')->wherePivot('includes_it', 0)
But what I get is:
Error: Call to a member function addEagerConstraints() on array
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