mardi 14 juillet 2020

Multidimensional array validation in Laravel

I have the following form, images, addons, and preferences are repeatable at the first group, item title with price are under preferences group which can be also repeated if needed.

  • Q1: Problem is, how to validate these all fields with Laravel 5.8?
  • Q2: What should be the naming convention for these fields in HTML form?

Please Note: If any of one field is present in a group the whole group should be mandatory and required.

enter image description here

The current situation is as follows:

I am sending data as follows

enter image description here

Validation Rules in Laravel:

$rules = [
      'category_id'                 => 'required',
      'title_en'                    => 'required',
      'title_ar'                    => 'required',
      'price'                       => 'required',
      'images'                      => 'required',
      'images.*'                    => 'file|max:5120',
      'addons_en.*'                 => 'required_with:addons_ar',
      'addons_ar.*'                 => 'required_with:addons_en',
      'preferences.*.title_en'      => 'required_with:preferences.*.title_ar',
      'preferences.*.title_ar'      => 'required_with:preferences.*.title_en',
      'preferences.*.item_en.*'     => 'required_with:preferences.*.item_ar.*,preferences.*.price.*',
      'preferences.*.item_ar.*'     => 'required_with:preferences.*.item_en.*,preferences.*.price.*',
      'preferences.*.price.*'       => 'required_with:preferences.*.item_en.*,preferences.*.item_ar.*',

from Newest questions tagged laravel-5 - Stack Overflow

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