lundi 29 juin 2020

Queue New row insertion requests in Laravel to ensure server-side validation and avoid Duplicates

I have a table("product") with few column , say ID, brand_name, code, country_code and countrywise_serial_number, created_at, deleted_at.

I make a ajax call from webpage to insert values in table. The code I have written in backend is:

public function addProduct(Request $request){

    $brand_name = $request->brand_name;

    $sNo = DB::table('product')->where('country_code',101)->orderByDesc('countrywise_serial_number')->limit(1)->get();
        $sNo= ($sNo[0]->countrywise_serial_number)+1;
    $getDigit= 1;

        $num= $num/10;

    $zerosrequired= 7- $getDigit;
    $code="PRO"."IND".date("y")."MD".$zeroes.$sNo; //EG:PROIND20MD0000001

    // check if record already exist to avoid duplicate  entry
    $checkExistence=DB::table('product')->where(function($query) use($code){
        $query->where('code', $code);

    ->orWhere(function($query) use($brand_name){
        $query->where('brand_name', $brand_name);


        $existingData = array(
            'code' => $checkExistence[0]->code,
            'name' => $checkExistence[0]->brand_name,
        return ['message'=> "Duplicate Warning" , 'name'=>$existingData['name'], 'code'=>$existingData['code']];


        ['code' => $code, 'brand_name' => $brand_name,'countrywise_serial_number'=>$sNo]

    return ['message'=>true];
     catch(\Exception $e){

        return  ['message'=>false];

The problem is if I click submit button multiple times, multiple ajax requests are called and multiple rows with duplicate values are inserted(i.e. with same code and brandName) without any validation which should not happen.

I am worried if it will also happen if request is made from two or more device at the same time(with same values),

For avoiding multiple click to submit button I tried using:

$('#addsubmit').attr("disabled",true); //addsubmit is the submit button ID



but none of them are working; Here is the js code for ajax call:

    //submit-product is form ID

    //event.returnValue = false;
    event.preventDefault ? event.preventDefault() : (event.returnValue = false);

    var token = "";
    var formData={
        'brand_name' : $('#brand_name').val(),
        '_token': token
        type : 'post',
        data: formData,
        datatype: 'json',
        url: "",
        success: function(result){

            if (result.message=="Duplicate Warning"){
                $('#errormessage').css('color', 'red');
                if ($('#med_code').val()== result.code &&  $('#brand_name').val()

                $('#errorDetails').html("Brand Name and Code already registered.")

                else if($('#med_code').val()== result.code)
                $('#errorDetails').html("product Code already in Use.")

                $('#errorDetails').html("product already registered.")
                modalName ="add";

            else if(result.message){




The server side validation part works fine if I insert record one by one i.e. after completion of one request.

Is there any way to let laravel finish one request at a time and then process another?

from Newest questions tagged laravel-5 - Stack Overflow

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