vendredi 27 septembre 2019

How merge 2 collections with not the same attributes?

Heh i am working from 2 days on this and can't do it :( I have two collections from eloquent

 $store_local = Customer::all();
 $store_remote = sCustomer::find($store_local->pluck('abc_id'));

In store local i have customers with abc_id which is in other database. Thats why i have to get all clients from other DB, as far as good

Now i would like merge both collections

$customer = $store_local->map(function ($item, $key) use($store_remote) {
    $singleCustomer = $store_remote->where('id', $item->abc_id);
    return collect($item)->merge($singleCustomer);

My result is

enter image description here

I have access to data from sCustomer

echo $customer[0][0]->id

How can i merge sCustomer and dd attributes from there to $store_local collection

from Newest questions tagged laravel-5 - Stack Overflow

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