vendredi 17 novembre 2017

Laravel 5.2 orderBy on two clauses, one using a leftJoin

I have two tables - canvas and canvas_details - a canvas can have multiple canvas_details.

TABLE 'canvas'(

TABLE 'canvas_details' (

In my Controller I have a function:

public static function canvasList($id){
    $canvas_list = \DB::table('canvas')
    return $canvas_list}

Which I am using to display a list of canvas names per user sorted on when the canvas was last updated.

When a canvas is created it does not initially have any canvas_details. Creating or updating associated canvas_details doesn't update the canvas updated_at field but will update the canvas_details updated_at field.

What I need to do is to also sort on when the canvas_details were last updated.

I would like to show a list of canvas names sorted desc on either the last updated canvas or the last updated canvas_details.

Considering a canvas may or may not have canvas_details - is there a way to add that sort depending on the presence of a canvas_details record?

from Newest questions tagged laravel-5 - Stack Overflow

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