mercredi 15 novembre 2017

raw SQL to laravel query

Can anybody please help me to write a DB query version of the SQL statement below. I need a little help around the select statement and the partitioned joins.

I have managed to do this so far.

$query = DB::table(raw('SapakInAdminOrder a'))
->leftJoin(raw('currency cu'), 'a.currency', '=', '')
->leftJoin(raw('moodboards m'), 'a.orderMoodboardID', '=', '')
 ->join(raw('clients b'), 'a.clientID', '=', '')
 ->leftJoin(raw('moodboards mc'), 'b.moodboardID', '')
 ->join(raw('sapakim c'), 'b.sapakID', '=', '')
 ->leftJoin(raw('sapakim sm'), 'c.managerid', '=', '')
 ->leftJoin(raw('products p'), 'a.productKey', '=', '')
 ->where(function ($query) {
     $query->orWhere('a.isDeleted', '!=', 1);

But I need to achieve this.

select * from (select ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY case when (indesign.status=4 or indesign.statusdate is null) then getdate()+2 else indesign.statusdate end ASC) AS RowNum,a.*
FROM sapakInAdminOrder a 
left join currency cu on
left join moodboards m on 
inner join Clients b on 
left join moodboards mc on 
inner join Sapakim c on 
left join Sapakim sm on  
left join products p on 
left join (select * from (select ROW_NUMBER() over(PARTITION BY orderID ORDER BY id DESC) r, * from orderCommunication ) f where r=1) chat on chat.orderId =
left join (select id,[status],orderid,approveSMSDate,coverImage,statusDate from (SELECT  id,[status],statusDate,approveSMSDate,coverImage,orderid,ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY orderid ORDER BY id DESC) AS r  FROM  SapakimInAdminDesigns) f where  r=1) indesign on
where (a.isDeleted is null or a.isDeleted != 1) and 
      c.inAdminManagerID=(select id from sapakim where sapakguid='test')  and 
      c.sapakguid='test' and 
      a.isFreeDesign=0 and 
      a.transactionID = -1 and 
      (a.designerPaid is null or a.designerPaid=0) and 
      (chat.sentToPrinter is null and chat.sentToManager is null and chat.sentToDesigner is null)
) bb where RowNum>=1 and RowNum<31 
ORDER BY  RowNum asc

I can do the simple ones but couldn't quite really wrap my head around the partitioned joins and the select statement.

I would really appreciate a help on this.

Thanks in advance.

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