jeudi 23 janvier 2020

What is the best way to bind a non nullable foreign key on a new created entity with laravel

I'm currently learning laravel 6.x and I have an issue when creating a new entity with a non nullable foreign key.

For security purpose my user_id foreign key is not mass assignable as you can see below

    * The attributes that are mass assignable.
    * @var array
   protected $fillable = [
       'city', 'zipcode', 'age', 'height', 'weight', 'profession', 'goal', 'sport', 'injury', 'health_issue', 'source'

And when I want to save my new created profile like this


I have a sql error because user_id can't be null

I could make the user_id mass assignable but I don't want to for security reason or to make the user_id nullable, but I don't want it either.

I came up with that solution but I'm not satisfied

Dispatching an event at 'creating'

 * The event map for the model.
 * @var array
protected $dispatchesEvents = [
    'creating' => ProfileCreated::class

The event

 * @var Profile $profile
public $profile;

 * @var User $user
public $user;

 * Create a new event instance.
 * @param Profile $profile
 * @return void
public function __construct(Profile $profile)
    $this->profile = $profile;
    $this->user = Auth::user();

 * Get the channels the event should broadcast on.
 * @return \Illuminate\Broadcasting\Channel|array
public function broadcastOn()
    return new PrivateChannel('channel-name');

And finally the listener where I'm adding user to the profile

 * Handle the event.
 * @param  ProfileCreated  $event
 * @return void
public function handle(ProfileCreated $event)

I might encounter this problem many times while working on my project, so I want to be sure what would be the best approach in such cases.

Thank you !

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