jeudi 1 décembre 2016

Laravel 5.2 Query not working

Hi i am trying to get this query to work...

sum(case when outreach_links.status="Pending" and outreach_links.created_at >= :from and outreach_links.created_at <=:to then 1 else 0 end) as pp,
  sum(case when outreach_links.status="Approved" and outreach_links.start_date >= :from and outreach_links.start_date <=:to then 1 else 0 end) as aa, sum(case when outreach_links.status="Approved" then outreach_links.cost else 0 end) as cc, MONTH(outreach_links.created_at) month, MONTHNAME(outreach_links.created_at) month_name , YEAR(outreach_links.created_at) year from outreach inner join outreach_links on = outreach_links.outreach_id where outreach.profile_id=:proid group by month, year', ["from" => $from, "to" => $to, "proid" => $pro_id]))->get();

and I am getting an error, I cant solve it any help??

Call to a member function get() on a non-object

any idea how to make this query work using get()?


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