mercredi 24 mai 2017

laravel, login users after activating or deactivating their accounts

I have an admin table and a users table, the admin approves or dismisses the user, a user registers the application is sent to the admin who have two buttons, one for accepting and the other for rejecting the user, when activated the activated column is set to 2, if deactivated its set to 0, initially its 1, now my query is about loging in the users,,,

how do I do it?

here are my login controller


                if($user->activated()){// if activated column is 2 redirects
                        return redirect('students.dashboard');
                        return redirect()->back(); // if activated value is 0 i.e if its deactivated 
             return redirect('auth.userlogin')->withInput(); // if activated value  is 1 by default

this method checks if activated is 2 i.e if its activated

  public function activated()
        if ($this->activated==2) {
              return true;

            return false;


my question is, is this the right way to redirect user,,, or is there a better way,,,, am a newbie to laravel,,, kindly bear with me...

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