mercredi 24 mai 2017

Larval 5.1: Try catch block not catching custom exception with SOAP API source

We have created an API that connects to the SOAP api system of the customer. We have a custom exception CustomerNotFound :


namespace App\Exceptions;

class CustomerNotFoundException extends  \Exception
    protected $code = 'customer_not_found';
    protected $message = 'Customer not found!';

A Soap Class function for retrieving user information

public function getCustomerById($customerID)

        $parameters = $this->appendToParameters([
            'customerID' => $customerID])

        $result = $this->client->GetCustomerByID($parameters);

        if ($result->SDKResult->ResultCode === 'Success') {
            $data = $result->GetCustomerByIDResult;

            return $data;

        throw new CustomerNotFoundException();


And a controller that calls the soap class function:

public function getCustomerDetails(Request $request, $customerId)
        try {
            $customerDetails = $this->customerService->getCustomerById($customerId);

            return $this->respond($customerDetails);

        } catch (\SoapFault $e) {
        } catch (\App\Exceptions\CustomerNotFoundException $c) {

I know the exception is working because the soap function is also called on another controller. Also when I remove the try catch block and call the controller function, the api returns the CustomerNotFound exception. However when it is inside a try catch block it just returns a STATUS 200 and an empty response (no json etc etc). No errors shown. Any idea?

from Newest questions tagged laravel-5 - Stack Overflow

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