samedi 27 janvier 2018

Controller constructor to check Auth middleware for two different guards

I have a dashboard view that shows certain contain depending on which user is viewing, whether it be an admin or just a regular user.

I can get my admins onto that page, but regular users aren't able to currently because of my middleware guard.

class DashboardController extends Controller {

    public function __construct()

    public function index()
        return view('dashboard.index');

The following code checks on each DashboardController call for auth:admins, but I want regular users to access this too, is there a way to check the auth middleware twice like so?


So ideally it will check if you're an admin or just a regular auth user.

Also on my view page, when accessing properties of an admin I'm using:

Is this normal? I have an admin Model but I'm still accessing it via Auth::user() which feels strange to me, shouldn't it be Auth::admin()->admin_username

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