mardi 31 juillet 2018

Where is the syntax missing in this code?

I had this code for db seed in laravel 5.

But when I run, it gives syntax error expecting end file error.. This is using spatie permission package..

this is the code:

use Illuminate\Database\Seeder;
use App\Permission;
use App\Role;
use App\User;
use App\Post;

 class DatabaseSeeder extends Seeder
 * Run the database seeds.
 * @return void
public function run()
    // Ask for confirmation to refresh migration
    if ($this->command->confirm('Do you wish to refresh migration before seeding, Make sure it will clear all old data ?')) {
        $this->command->warn("Data deleted, starting from fresh database.");
    // Seed the default permissions
    $permissions = Permission::defaultPermissions();
    foreach ($permissions as $permission) {
        Permission::firstOrCreate(['name' => $permission]);
    $this->command->info('Default Permissions added.');
    // Ask to confirm to assign admin or user role
    if ($this->command->confirm('Create Roles for user, default is admin and user? [y|N]', true)) {
        // Ask for roles from input
        $roles = $this->command->ask('Enter roles in comma separate format.', 'Admin,User');
        // Explode roles
        $rolesArray = explode(',', $roles);
        // add roles
        foreach($rolesArray as $role) {
            $role = Role::firstOrCreate(['name' => trim($role)]);
            if( $role->name == 'Admin' ) {
                // assign all permissions to admin role
                $this->command->info('Admin will have full rights');
            } else {
                // for others, give access to view only
                $role->permissions()->sync(Permission::where('name', 'LIKE', 'view_%')->get());
            // create one user for each role
        $this->command->info('Roles ' . $roles . ' added successfully');
    } else {
        Role::firstOrCreate(['name' => 'User']);
        $this->command->info('By default, User role added.');

 * Create a user with given role
 * @param $role
private function createUser($role)
    $user = factory(User::class)->create();
    if( $role->name == 'Admin' ) {
        $this->command->info('Admin login details:');
        $this->command->warn('Username : '.$user->email);
        $this->command->warn('Password : "secret"');


I already tried to check the code but failed to detect the syntax missing.

Can anyone help me to detect the problem in the code?

Thank you.

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