mardi 5 octobre 2021

Pass hidden id to next page when click on a link

I have multiple control plane tables, each control plane belongs to a cluster. When I clicked on any control plane, I will redirect to the control plane details page. I need access to cluster id.

Option 1: via route params

I can get that bypassing it via the route like so


My first URL param will be $clusterId ... but my route structure like this


Option 2: via session

I would have used Session::put() and Session::get(), but base on my index page, it doesn't seem to fit that.

Option 3: via database ... store/query

I find that too expensive, I rather not go this route.

Option 4: via hidden input (HTTP POST)

I would have done via hidden input if this is a form submit or ajax calls, but it is not...

Is there another way to pass on the clusterId to the next page ?

enter image description here

Please kindly advise,

from Newest questions tagged laravel-5 - Stack Overflow

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